This blog is dedicated to anyone who is interested in goat packing. What is goat packing, you ask? Well, it is exactly like backpacking except instead of having to carry all of your equipment, a goat or several goats carries it for you. In this blog you will meet the goats which make up our pack goat company as well as see them in action from pictures and videos of our trips.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Pack Saddle

A popular question asked about our herd is how the goats are able to carry our supplies. The answer: a pack saddle! The goat pack saddle has been used in Europe for centuries, often in the Swiss alps for carrying anything from blankets to produce for goatherds. We have two or three aluminum pack saddles, which are the more expensive kind and can cost more than a shiny penny. The easier to make and more economical pack saddle is made of wood, preferably oak. We have made several wooden pack saddles and they work just as well as the aluminum ones, although they won't last as long.     


  1. How cool! Thanks for sharing. I am always looking for pack saddles for sale.

  2. Would you share the pattern of your pack saddle ? I would like to build one myself .
